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CCS eNews – Client Spotlight

CCS Mid-Atlantic – UMUC Executive Conference Room

CCS is designing a new digital AV system for the UMUC Executive Conference Room. The main point for this design bid was a 3 x 3 NEC Video wall system using the new Chief ConnexSYS Video wall mounting system. The video wall consisted of (9) 46” NEC LED displays. The Chief ConnexSYS system made the installation of the video wall simplified and easy to add cables once it was hung, and provided simple trouble shooting. The Digital AV system consisted of a Extron IN1608 for switching, Clearone Converge Pro 880T with a Beamforming Microphone array, Shure SLX wireless microphone for local voice reinforcement during presentations, Vaddio AV Bridge with a Roboshot camera CCU system for Skype and WebEX calls, Barco Click Share system, and local AV inputs from the conference room table. The control system is an Extron IPCP 505 with a TLP720TV touch panel and Apple IPAD control mimicking the touch panel layout. Next Steps: CCS was contracted by UMUC to add a SMART Kapp system to allow local users to take notes and collaborate better during meetings. This is scheduled for installation later this fall.

CCS Mid-Atlantic – A power company with a powerful vision of staying up to date.

CCS was tasked with a design build concept for a new field office building for a local power company subsidiary. CCS provided an AV design for the new conference room, lab and kitchen area. The conference room consisted of a Sharp 80” TV with inputs from the conference table. The inputs at the table included the Extron Teamwork Digital solution with the “Show Me Cables” to allow users to be more interactive with the TV display, and their meetings more functional for collaboration amongst each other. CCS used an Extron XPA 2001 audio amplifier with 4 Community D8 speakers to allow for audio throughout the conference room. The speakers were centered over the table per customer’s request. Along with the conference room, CCS installed a Sharp 80” TV in the LAB training room with a local wall plate for instructor use and CCS installed a Sharp 32” TV in the break room to provide INSTANT NEWS updates for the employees at the site.

Contact your local CCS location to learn more about conference room upgrades and the power that enhanced communications and efficiency has on productivity and success! 

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