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Don’t forget about summer training classes through CCS


The main focus of providing audio visual training, especially over the summer, is to allow educators the time they simply do not have during the year to relax, have fun, and learn about the technologies they currently have in the classroom that they would like to know more about, use more efficiently or apply more directly to unique learning applications.

All of our trainings are very much hands-on and collaborative (teachers working together), and all participants will all walk-away with content they can use when they return to school in the fall.

Arizona –

California –

New England –

Start your AV project with CCS Mid Atlantic!

Every project is as unique as our customers. With our custom designs, integrations, installations, training, service and maintenance, every step helps create an effective and efficient audio visual system for your needs. The CCS Mid Atlantic team is here to help bring your vision to life!

  • Are you a member of MEEC or TIPS?
  • Describe your project and its location.